Monday, November 26, 2012

Review: Dolphin, Fox, Hippo, and Ox What Is a Mammal? by Brian P. Cleary


The Words Are CATegorical® cats are back again . . . and they're on the loose to explore animal groups! This time, those zany cartoon cats provide a playful look at common animal classes. Brian P. Cleary's text and Martin Goneau's illustrations comically combine to give the defining characteristics of each class. They also offer a variety of animals in each group. Animal classification has never been so much fun!
Animal Groups Are CATegorical™ books
Butterfly, Flea, Beetle, and Bee: What Is an Insect?
Catfish, Cod, Salmon, and Scrod: What Is a Fish?
Dolphin, Fox, Hippo, and Ox: What Is a Mammal?
Salamander, Frog, and Polliwog: What Is an Amphibian?
Sparrow, Eagle, Penguin, and Seagull: What Is a Bird?
Tortoise, Tree Snake, Gator, and Sea Snake: What Is a Reptile?
Also by Brian P. Cleary
Words Are CATegorical® series
Math Is CATegorical® series
Adventures in Memory™ series
Sounds Like Reading® series
Food Is CATegorical™ series

There's nothing like colorful children's books to help kids learn and remember scientific facts.

In Dolphin, Fox, Hippo and Ox, kids get to learn about the characteristics of mammals, as well as examples of mammals.

The book makes use of rhymes so there's a Seuss-esque quality to it. This makes it a good book for parents to read to their kids. The rhyme is usually only within a verse or sentence, though, so it may seem a little bit stilted if you just read it straight through instead of making a full stop at the end of a rhyme.

As for the illustrations, they are cute and very colorful, making it perfect for younger readers.

Thanks to NetGalley and Lerner Publishing Group for the e-copy.


  1. It will help kids learn more about mammals.
  2. The illustrations and coloring is perfect for kids.
  3. Kids of all ages can appreciate this book.


  1. Kids who already know about mammals might find this boring.

These include chinchillas, cheetahs, chimpanzees and boars, elephants and otters, mice and moose, and many more!

  1. You want your child to learn more about mammals.
  2. Your kid likes reading children's reference books.
  3. Your kid likes colorful books.




Note: This post contains Amazon and Book Depository affiliate links.

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