This true story is truly “Lin-sane!”The world is exposed to an individual like Jeremy Lin only once in a generation. His journey has taken him from practicing lay-ups on the court at the local YMCA to hitting last minute game-winners on the grand stage at Madison Square Garden. This book charts Jeremy’s life story, from the streets of Palo Alto to the dormitories of Harvard to the major arenas throughout the country. Through exclusive interviews, play-by-plays, and colorful recollections, we get an intimate look at Jeremy’s story. It is one of unyielding determination, true faith, and unimaginable success.
Since I don't really have a lot of time to watch the NBA, I haven't reached ultimate Linsanity level yet. However, a lot of my friends here in the Philippines are a little bit "linsane".
Jeremy Lin is the story of the early years and rise of New York Knicks point guard Jeremy Lin. The book is peppered with quotes and facts that illustrate what an amazing and humble person Jeremy Lin is.
I was surprised when I saw this book in NetGalley since Jeremy's meteoric rise to fame seemed to have started only a couple of months ago. Even so, this book is very well-written and well-researched. Since this book is meant for younger children, it's less than 100 pages. It's perfect for kids and their parents, but if you're a regular adult fan, you might feel that it's too short.
Thanks to NetGalley and Right Fit Publishing for the e-copy.
- It has almost everything you could possibly want to know about Jeremy Lin.
- This book can inspire a lot of kids.
- It's well-researched and well-written.
- It's a bit short.
"I've been on the Jeremy Lin bandwagon for a while... I can't take credit for it, but I'm just saying I was there early." - President Barack OBama, on learning about Lin when the Knicks point guard was still a senior at Harvard
- You are a Jeremy Lin fan.
- You like underdog stories.
- You want to inspire your kids to work hard and play hard.


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