Monday, June 3, 2013

Review: No Ordinary Apple by Sara Marlowe


 “With humor and a light touch, No Ordinary Apple takes us cheerfully through the exercise of eating an apple mindfully, using each of our five senses, one by one, leaving readers wanting to try it themselves!”—Kerry Lee MacLean, author of Moody Cow Meditates
On an otherwise ordinary day, a little boy named Elliot discovers something extraordinary: the power of mindfulness. When he asks his caretaking neighbor Carmen for a snack, he’s at first disappointed when she hands him an apple—he wanted candy! But when Carmen encourages him to carefully and attentively look, feel, smell, taste, and even listen to the apple, Elliot discovers that this apple is not ordinary at all.
Lushly and humorously illustrated, No Ordinary Apple is perfect for anyone who needs to be reminded to slow down and appreciate the things in front of them.

I like eating and consider myself a foodie of sorts, so this book sounded exactly like my kind of book.

In No Ordinary Apple, Carmen helps Elliot appreciate apples and other foods by focusing on his senses.

I thought that this idea of savoring apples or any type of food is interesting. It reminds me a little bit of that scene in Ratatouille when Remy is teaching Emile how to distinguish the notes of the flavors found in food.

The coloring is nice. I especially liked when the colors of the apple were shown. The illustration style reminds me of chibi anime drawings.

I thought the ending was unexpected and cute. Kids and adults alike will be able to relate to Elliot's revelation at the end. Actually, I think that kids and adults alike will like and learn from this book how to enjoy their food instead of just shoving it in their mouth.

Thanks to NetGalley and Wisdom Publications for the e-ARC. Publication date of No Ordinary Apple is on June 11, 2013.


  1. The main characters are a Caucasian and an African American.
  2. It teaches you to appreciate foods that you like and foods that you don't like.
  3. It teaches kids and adults to eat carefully and savor their food.


  1. The book might feel a little bit too long for younger kids.

Elliot couldn't imagine that macaroni and cheese could possible be even better.

  1. Your kid tends to scarf down food instead of chewing slowly.
  2. You've forgotten how to properly savor your food.
  3. You are a foodie.


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